How do I know if I have a problem?
If you answer “yes” to one of the following, you have a problem
- You lose urine during exertion or coughing.
- You can’t “hold on” and you wet yourself.
- You can’t empty your bladder properly.
- You have bowel soiling.
- You feel a lump in your vagina (prolapse)
- You have lower abdominal or pelvic pain.
How Serious is My Problem?
Assessment by the Patient
The question “how serious is my problem” is not so easy to answer, as symptoms vary, and patients’ perceptions vary. A simple rule is to seek help if it is interfering with your quality of life. If the problem is mild and not bothersome, no action is required.
Assessment by the clinic
The doctor has a different perspective, a) to assess which ligaments have been damaged, and b) to assess the seriousness of the problem. An accurate assessment is paramount. The doctor uses various tests to decide which treatment to recommend.
Causes and Symptoms
When somebody has to go to the toilet many times a night, or can’t hold on dashing to the toilet, or has severe pains in her abdomen or thigh or lower back or other places in that area, the probable cause is loose ligaments. Before the Integral System of the action of muscles and ligaments in the pelvis was published, doctors had almost no treatments for these conditions….or a major operation which required weeks in hospital and a painful recovery.
The cause and cure was the breakthrough made by the Integral System. Strengthen the ligaments by special squatting exercises, supporting them using surgery to shorten them slightly (adding a tape to create new collagen if you have passed the menopause) , and the problem will improve or even disappear. And it’s often just a day or two in hospital to ensure that the body has returned to normal.
This is a condition which causes sufferers to wake up numerous times a night to go to the toilet to empty their bladder. The number of times can vary from three to eight or nine. The problem is that the interrupted sleep causes tiredness during the day, leading to lack of attention to tasks, or even accidents.
The cause of nocturia is looseness of the back ligaments (known as “uterosacrals”) which support the womb.
The cure, if it is available in your country, is simply to shorten and strengthen the uterosacral ligament. In younger women up to 50% improvement can be achieved with pelvic floor exercises.
The book, ‘Home and Dry’ gives full details of how this can be achieved.